soccer dude kicks the ball!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Season is over

The MNU male soccer teams season is over. With an overall record of 9-7-1 and a conference record of 4-4-1. "This year was not our best but we fought hard every game but sometimes it just wasn't enough" the senior Luis Padilla said. Trent Remmich lead the team in scoring with 13 goals and an average of .75 goals per game.Goalie Matt Gow was doing as good as usual, he had 52 saves over the year which averages to 3.25 saves per game. The whole team is now resting up for a short period of time until they start working out again next month.

1 comment:

  1. Good job this season guys! I know you wanted to do better, but you finished about .500 and that is something to be proud of. Congrats and thanks to all the seniors who gave their all for the team. Keep working hard for next season guys!
